Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

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All these facts have been said by taemin on radio shows & variety shows 

If there’s one thing that he can do forever, Taemin would like to go diving. He really likes dolphins, so he’d like to be in the water.


When asked to share something small that has made them happy recently, Taemin answered with, “A good dream! The details are secret.”


Something that SHINee has heard that has left a big impression?

- “I’m photogenic.”  

- “Thank you.” 

- That he’s a very optimistic person.  

- “Good-looking.” 

- “When I’m onstage, ah~ the fans’ cheers.” 


Since Taemin is so forgetful, the other members hid his cellphone. He spent such a long time looking for it.


If the world was ending, Taemin would rather spend time with his friends than eat.


Taemin likes it when he finds out the other members’ secrets.



Taemin’s favorite flower is the white rose, beside the sunflower.


SHINee’s favourite songs so far:

- ‘Replay’ because it’s the first song they released and debuted in.

- ‘Romantic’ because he likes the R&B vibe to it.

- ‘Lucifer’ because it equally shows the members’ talents.  

- ‘Juliette’ because every member has a unique solo.

- Songs like ‘A-Yo’ and ‘Ready or Not’.


Onew, Taemin and Key are going to the fashionweek in Madrid next week-end.


Onew and Taemin went to see the soccer match FC Barcelona against FC Milan in Spain.


The different kind of hats SHINee were wearing during the concert in Singapore were given to them by fans.


Taemin thinks Japanese fans are really cute when they try to speak Korean and prepare words/sentences to speak to them.


Taemin and Onew would like to visit Disneyland in Tokyo.

Taemin’s teacher once told him that he wasn’t a bright student, but he is hardworking.


Taemin has his own star now. Vietnamese Shawols bought a star for him.

The star is named “Tae Min Pearl”.


Taemin talks with Rino Nakasone about dance the most.

SHINee are already filming the next MV for their new Japanese single.

Apparently their next single will be Juliette Japanese Version.


If Taemin doesn’t eat rice, no matter how much he consumes, he would feel like he didn’t eat at all.


What three things would you take with you to a desert island?

Onew: Mom, a friend, a cook (with a knife).

Jonghyun: A cell phone, an airplane (to come back), and a pilot (because he doesn’t know how to fly a plane). 

Key: A cell phone, a pot, and a tool for making fire like a lighter or matchstick. 

Minho: A cell phone, SHINee members, Korean instant ramen. 

Taemin: As many friends as possible, water, and a boat to use to come back. 


“Do your best and wait for God’s direction.” is Taemin’s family motto.


Taemin’s favourite J-Pop artist is Onizuka Chihiro.


Taemin said that there was a big toad outside of their house in his mother’s conception dream.


Taemin’s father was born in 1966.


Taemin has grown since debut. He is now around 177-178 cm.


When asked to choose the most reliable member, no one chose Key.

Jonghyun chose himself, Key chose Taemin, 2min chose leader Onew and Onew chose Minho. 

But then since Key complained that no one chose him, Jonghyun said that he’ll change his answer to Key. But then he complained that now no one chose him. Then Taemin quietly changes his card from Onew to Jonghyun. 

When Taemin makes a mistake on stage, he makes it look like it wasn’t a mistake and still smiles. So when Minho looks at him, he thinks that he was the one doing the wrong thing and copies Taemin, so then he makes a mistake as well.


Taemin is now the most stylish member, not Key.


Taemin now likes to excercise at the gym thanks to Minho and Jonghyun.


Taemin also said that Key is the member who acts like a spoiled child the most.


According to Key, Taemin is watching Hayao Miyazaki’s “Princess Mononoke” movie everyday and listens to the OST.


Taemin likes it when his dog does aegyo for him.

Taemin’s current favourite Japanese sentence: “お腹ぺこぺこ” which means “I’m so hungry.”


Taemin thought that that the meaning of the restaurant “TGI Friday’s” name was “Today’s Great Item”.

TGI means ‘Thank Goodness It’s (Friday)’


Taemin is addicted to J-Pop.


Taemin thinks he is a very positive person, but also a little greedy.


Taemin always gets hungry in the middle of night, therefore he will wake up one of the members to ask for food.


When Taemin saw Minho for the first time he thought Minho wasn’t Korean due to his big eyes, well-defined features, and good style.


When Taemin was asked if there was an advice he really regretted taking, he started talking about how a friend recommended an ice cream but it didn’t taste so good.


When Taemin was asked to compare himself to an animal, he chose a dolphin.


Taemin has poor eyesight.


When he was a trainee, Minho was the maknae. He thought that he would be the maknae forever, but then Taemin showed up and took the title away from him.

He feels a little regret, but because he has someone to take care of, he feels special and happy. And because he knows how it feels like to be a maknae, he can understand and take care of Taemin even more. 


Jonghyun says that Taemin is very flexible.

If you want a present from Taemin on your birthday, don’t just expect it. Maknae wants you to ask for it, otherwise you get nothing. Like the dino we all know as Jonghyun did (this bish got nothing from his son lol).

Assuming that there are also Shawols who didn’t realize that it was Taemin rapping, not Key or Minho, here is the maknae rapping in ‘Love Should Go On’. 


Taemin gets surprised sometimes with his similarities with SuJu’s Heechul.

They look alike. 


At first Taemin would play sports with Minho, but then he never got to beat him so he just gave up.


Ever since he was little, Taemin used to always watch celebrities in cosmetic CFs. He’s always wanted to do one too.

If SHINee were to form a band, Jognhyun would want Taemin to be on the keyboard, Minho on the bass/guitar, and Key as the lead vocalist.

He skipped Onew, but Onew suggested to be on the drums.


Taemin saved a cat from getting ran over by cars.


Taemin would like to do a cellphone commercial.


The member that Taemin thinks makes him laugh the most is Onew.


Based on observation, Taemin and Minho are the only ones who touch their microphones with their mouths when they sing. 

Apparently Jonghyun does it too. 


Taemin’s dream when he was a child, was to protect the earth.


Taemin frequently talks about his worries and concerns with Onew.


Key and Taemin always watch animated movies together.


When Taemin first saw Key, he had wavy hair. After debuting, Key straightened it and grown it out. After that, Taemin thought that his hyung has become so good-looking.


On a Star Golden Bell episode, SHINee was asked to vote for the most improved member. Key, Onew and Minho voted for themselves. Only Taemin voted for someone else. He voted for Key so Key won.


Taemin only takes about 5 minutes to get dressed in the morning.


All of them love watermelon juice.


Taemin once heard that if you only judge her by her looks, you’ll end up getting very hurt. That’s why he looks at personality rather than appearance.


Taemin looks more at personality than appearance.


When travelling via plane, both Taemin and Key like to sit in the window seat.


When Taemin went out to Karaoke with his friends after their debut, they made him sing SHINee’s songs. They would make him sing the first verse of all of them.


During trainee days, Minho used to show a picture of Taemin to his friends and ask them, “Isn’t he cute?”

(Unconfirmed, this is from a fanaccount.)


Onew used to roll over to Taemin’s bed.


Onew believes it is good for kids to talk to their fathers and mothers about sex at an early age. Taemin and Onew both agreed though, that they have never talked to their mother and father about it, and they both agree it would be awkward.


If Taemin had a girlfriend, he would most like to give her a ring hidden inside a bouquet of flowers.


Out of all household chores, Taemin and Key both hate doing laundry the most.


Taemin likes to look at his eyeballs in the mirror and hypnotise himself.


Taemin would like to visit Paris.


Taemin says “I love you” to his two puppies Adam and Eve.


Taemin’s favourite stage outfit is one from the Lucifer MV; a ripped jacket and black skinny pants


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